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Shell's Health & Beauty offers highly effective skin solutions for all skin concerns, at prices everyone can afford. With over 20 years industry experience, our skin experts will assess your skin and tailor a unique program to suit you.


Our Skin Therapists will advise you on how to effectively treat a range of skin concerns from pigmentation, wrinkles & fine lines, acne & acne scarring, capillaries & redness, open pores, skin texture & ageing skins. 

We pride ourselves on offering highly effective skin solutions for all skin concerns, at a price that everyone can afford.



Our Skin Analysis Machine use a patented skin fluoroscence and polarised light illumination technology, that allow us to see deeper into your skin layers. By using this technology, our therapists will be able to get a detailed picture of the current state of your skin, which they can then more accurately tailor a treatment plan for.

Our Dermal therapist will be able to identify a number of skin conditions and concerns including:

  • Wrinkle formations

  • Free oil flow

  • Plugged pores

  • Porphyrin in acne & comedones

  • Areas with diminished circulation

  • Dehydrated skin

  • Vascular conditions

  • Rosacea

  • Skin irritations

  • Area with collagen loss

  • Microrelief

  • Sensitive and thinned skin areas

  • and more


Your Skin Consultation!

Each skin diagnosis consultation takes around 20-30 minutes with our Skin Therapists. This consultation session costs $65, however is redeemable towards a skin treatment if performed in the same appointment (please ensure to book the consultation followed by skin treatment option). We have a large range of facial treatments including Circadia Clinical Treatments,  IPL Rejuvenation, Skin Needling, Peels and HIFU Facelift that can be offered and will be discussed based on your individual skin needs and concerns.

Skin Diagnosis appointments are available to book with out a treatment for $65, and will take 20-30 minutes to take the photos and review the results in depth with your therapist.

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